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Why is a Process Server Calling Me?

Receiving a call from a process server can be an unsettling experience. Many people immediately assume the worst, imagining themselves entangled in costly legal battles or facing significant penalties. However, understanding why a process server is reaching out to you can alleviate much of this anxiety. At Accurate Serve® of Ft. Myers, we want to demystify the role of a process server and explain the common reasons you might be contacted.

Understanding the Role of a Process Server

A process server is a neutral third party tasked with delivering important legal documents to individuals involved in court proceedings. Their primary function is to ensure that due process, a constitutional right, is upheld by formally notifying parties about their involvement in a legal matter. The process server’s job is crucial to the legal system, ensuring that everyone is informed and has the opportunity to respond accordingly and that the schedule of cases moves through smoothly.

Common Reasons for Contact by a Process Server

Summons & Complaint

One of the most frequent reasons a process server may contact you is to serve a summons and complaint. This document indicates that someone has filed a civil lawsuit against you, and it includes all the necessary details about the case, such as the nature of the claim, instructions on how to respond, and the date by which you must appear in court. While this might seem alarming, it’s important to address the summons promptly to avoid any negative consequences.


Another common document delivered by process servers is a subpoena. A subpoena is a legal order requiring you to either testify as a witness in a court case or produce specific evidence pertinent to the case. If you are not directly involved in the litigation but have information that could influence the case’s outcome, you might receive a subpoena. It’s crucial to comply with a subpoena, as failing to do so can result in legal penalties.

Orders & Notices

Aside from summonses and subpoenas, process servers also deliver various other court orders and notices. These can include eviction orders, orders of possession, foreclosure notices, child custody orders, and more. Each of these documents serves a specific legal purpose, and timely receipt and response are always critical.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Process Server

Ignoring a process server is not advisable. These professionals are simply messengers of the court, and evading them does not negate any legal obligations you may have. In fact, avoiding a process server can lead to more serious consequences, such as default judgments or contempt of court charges. It’s always in your best interest to receive and respond to any legal documents as promptly and accurately as possible.

Accurate Serve® of Ft. Myers: Your Trusted Process Servers

Accurate Serve® of Ft. Myers is dedicated to providing efficient and professional process service, document retrieval, skip tracing, and diligent search services. We understand that receiving legal documents can be stressful, but our experienced team is here to ensure the process is as smooth and straightforward as possible. Whether you are in Ft. Myers, Labelle, Naples, or Port Charlotte, our process servers are ready to assist you.

For more information about our services or to get started today, don’t hesitate to call us at (239) 212-0619 or send us a work request online.

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